Sunday, June 28, 2009

What to blog about?

I haven't been blogging for the simple reason, that I'm unsure what I should blog about! My own interests, both professional and personal, range across a wide array of topics. However, I've been advised that if I actually want people to read my blog, I have to keep it to a niche. Being the eclectic person I am, I find that difficult. Ergo, a little less blogging from me. I shall shortly rectify that situation. In the meantime, I've been pitched several business opportunities in the acting realm, and I'm considering amongst them.

Word of the day:

insouciance |1nˈsusiəns| |1nˈsuʃəns|
casual lack of concern; indifference : an impression of boyish insouciance.
insouciant |1nˈsusiənt| |1nˈsuʃənt| adjective
insouciantly |1nˈsusiəntli| |1nˈsuʃəntli| adverb
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: French, from insouciant, from in- ‘not’ + souciant ‘worrying’ (present participle of soucier).

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