Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Easy and Fun


I have decided to establish a new set of criteria for all decisions:

If it ain’t easy or fun, then I ain’t doin’ it!

Simplistic, I know, but strangely powerful. You see, I’ve been struggling and trying for so long: struggling and trying to lose weight; struggling and trying to make more money; struggling and trying to make big life decisions.

All that “struggle and try” is exhausting. Worse, it’s ineffective. I have accomplished many wonderful things in my life. I’ve had career success, personal success, wonderful experiences--and the best ones never involved all the angst. In fact, the best things seemed to come out of the blue.

(I had a minister once, Reverend Della Reese, who would say that “out of the blue” meant straight from God.”

The most gratifying, satisfying, fill-in-the-blank-ifying experiences have seemed easy. That is not to say that there was no effort involved, or action; rather, all the actions had some joy built into them. They flowed naturally and organically out my interests and skills. One thing would lead to another and then, lo and behold, a dream fulfilled.

I don’t know if I am doing a good job of explaining myself. An example, maybe? I was once a very serious flute player. I remember working for hours and hours, tackling a particularly tricky musical piece in preparation for solo and ensemble contest. My arms and fingers got tired, my head got dizzy, my brain was spinning and yet, at no point did it feel like struggle. I was working really, really hard, but I was not struggling. I was not trying.

I am reminded now that struggle has started creeping back into my life that it is no way to live. So, from now on: Easy and/or Fun.

I will share with you some particular goals and tools I’m exploring in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more... It's all about letting go and just have fun .


Take it easy, keep it fun.