Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fun and Easy Thursday, June 11, 200

Check out what came in the mail from

"Dawn, it's supposed to be easy. Everything is supposed to be easy. Everything is easy. You live in a dream world. You're surrounded by illusions. And the illusions change when you change your thinking!

Tell yourself it's easy. Tell yourself often. Make it a mantra. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. And your life shall be transformed.

It's supposed to be easy,
The Universe"

How do you spell “vindicated?!” Okay, that doesn’t really work in print, but the point is I’m right. Yes Universe, I’ll do it the easy way thanks.

I had a great, easy, fun meeting with Kent moving forward on the solo work-out kit. We have even more refined ideas about what to suggest people do for a good half hour workout.

I expect to have a prototype in the very near future.

Other fires in the oven?

Usable Reusables: such a great idea: Reuseable bags that are actually attractive! Go figure.

YOR Health: This stuff seems to make hubby feel great. I'm looking forward to getting my products.

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Take it easy, keep it fun.